Experience at your service

Experience at your service
Since 1982, Mectronic has been working to be the reference point in physical therapies in multiple fields: from rehabilitation to physiotherapy, from pain management to sports medicine, from podiatry to wellness. Mectronic designs, manufactures and patents technologies to maximise therapeutic results and reduce muscle and joint pain quickly and without side effects.

For more than 30 years, Mectronic has been developing innovative technologies based on the know-how, scientific research and critical input of patients and healthcare professionals. These innovations are the basis for the evolution of therapeutic laser, tecar, shock wave therapy, cryotherapy and new synergies of which Mectronic is the unquestioned forerunner.
The result of over 30 years of experience in the field of electro-medical devices for rehabilitative physiotherapy is demonstrated by countless scientific research and clinical studies in collaboration with various universities. Mectronic's patented medical devices enable safe and effective pain reduction by adapting to every pathology.


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CHELT Therapy:

Five therapeutic cores in synergy


THEAL Therapy:

The therapy for everyone!


MHEL Therapy:

Safe, Effective and Performing!


Doctor Tecar Therapy:

The most innovative Tecar Therapy


AMSW Therapy:

Tradition and evolution of shockwave therapy

The Champions' Choice
For years, Mectronic has been working with top athletes: from preventive care to sports first aid to rehabilitation and reintegration, Mectronic offers the best therapies for its champions.
Further confirmation of how Mectronic's methods are reference therapies, even in the field of sports medicine, are the partnerships with major sports clubs such as AC Milan, Atalanta BC and Foppapedretti Volley Bergamo, who have been relying on Mectronic technologies for years.