Speed of Recovery with Mectronic Medicale

Discover Mectronic Medicale's Advanced Sports Injury Solutions.

At Mectronic Medicale, we’ve been developing technologies for 40 years, offering advanced solutions to treat sports injuries efficiently and effectively. Our cutting-edge therapies, including THEAL and TECAR, accelerate recovery, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration, ensuring athletes return to peak performance faster.
THEAL Therapy
High-Intensity Laser Therapy
High-intensity laser therapy accelerates recovery by increasing oxygen exchange and stimulating ATP synthesis. This leads to faster healing, reduced edema, and promotes the regeneration of muscle fibers for more efficient recovery.

Benefits of THEAL Therapy

Faster Recovery
Enhances oxygen exchange and
ATP synthesis for quicker healing.
Szabo et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022.
Reduced Edema
Minimizes swelling for faster relief.
Szabo et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022.
Muscle Fiber Regeneration
Promotes the regeneration of
muscle fibers, 
improving recovery outcomes.
Szabo et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022.


TECAR Therapy
Rapid Recovery Solution

TECAR Therapy is known for its rapid action, used in high-performance sports to speed up recovery. It enhances blood circulation, minimizes muscle spasms, and accelerates cellular metabolism, contributing to faster and more effective rehabilitation.


Benefits of Tecar Therapy

Rapid Action
Quickly improves recovery times,
ideal for high-performance sports.
Szabo et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022.
Enhanced Blood Circulation
Improves blood flow, enhancing tissue repair and recovery
Szabo et al., Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022.

Discover Our Therapies

Experience the advanced recovery solutions with Mectronic Medicale. Click below to learn more about our therapies: